Item Lv:0 / 装備 Lv:0
Titanium Ingot
Titanium Kris
Recipe Lv. 56-60
Aurum Regis Creasing Knife
Master Recipes (3)
Falconer's Shirt
Syldra-class Stern:Phase 1
Company Workshop
Titanium Sabatons of Striking
Hingan House Wall (Kura-zukuri)
Titanium Helm of Fending
Titanium Longsword
Chimerical Felt Cap of Striking
Titanium Headgear of Scouting
Tatanora-type Propellers:Phase 3
Chocobo House Walls:Roof Decoration
Microscopically Small Mogwalls:Signboard
Titanium Sabatons of Scouting
Titanium Battleaxe
Carbonweave Apron of Crafting
Master Recipes (4)
Monstrously Large Mogwalls:Signboard
Expanse Barding
Carbonweave Slops of Gathering
Tatanora-type Hull:Phase 3
Coelacanth-class Bow:Phase 2
Hingan Mansion Roof (Kura-zukuri)
Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting
Titanium Pickaxe
Viltgance-type Hull:Phase 3
Highland Chandelier
Coelacanth-class Bridge:Phase 3
Eikon Leather Armguards of Maiming
Dinosaur Skeleton
Viltgance-type Aetherwings:Phase 3
Titanium Lump Hammer
Titanium Tachi
Titanium Sollerets of Maiming
Titanium Headgear of Striking
Modified Shark-class Stern:Phase 2
Modified Shark-class Stern:Phase 3
Carbonweave Vest of Gathering
Chocobo Cottage Walls:Roof Decoration
Rarefied Chimerical Felt Cyclas
Titanium Mail of Maiming
Titanium Mail of Scouting
Titanium Sabatons of Fending
Titanium Cuirass of Fending
Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Striking
Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Striking
Adamantite Revolver
Rarefied Adamantite Scutum
Hardsilver Planisphere
Adamantite Helm of Maiming
Falconer's Bottoms
Alpine Chandelier
Syldra-class Bridge:Phase 2
Dinosaur Tailbone
Hingan Oven
Indoor Furnishings
Titanium-barreled Snaphance
Titanium Vambraces of Striking
Titanium Raising Hammer
Hardsilver Hatchet
Chimerical Felt Cap of Aiming
Mandragoras Frypan
Serpentskin Thighboots of Healing
Eikon Leather Boots of Casting
Titanium Greatsword
Dinosaur Skull
Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Aiming
Rarefied Titanium Vambraces
Wind-up Illuminatus
Chimerical Felt Cyclas of Scouting
Serpentskin Armguards of Scouting
Tatanora-type Aftcastle:Phase 2
Eikon Leather Leg Guards of Maiming
Modified Unkiu-class Bridge:Phase 2
Titanium Halfheart Saw
Titanium Vambraces of Fending
Adamantite Scutum
Chimerical Felt Cap of Scouting
Viltgance-type Aftcastle:Phase 1
Viltgance-type Aftcastle:Phase 2
Viltgance-type Forecastle:Phase 2
Titanium Fork
Coelacanth-class Stern:Phase 3
Eikon Leather Armguards of Casting
Titanium Vambraces of Maiming
Tatanora-type Forecastle:Phase 2
Coelacanth-class Pressure Hull:Phase 3
Serpentskin Armguards of Striking
Adamantite Greatsword
Titanium Mail of Striking
Chocobo Mansion Walls:Roof Decoration
Adamantite Broadsword
Adamantite Ball-pein Hammer
Titanium Knuckles
Titanium Hoplon
Carbonweave Breeches of Crafting
Middlingly Medium Mogwalls:Signboard
Titanium Vambraces of Scouting
Titanium Mask of Maiming
Titanium Alembic
Eikon Leather Armguards of Striking
Serpentskin Armguards of Aiming