Item Lv:0 / 装備 Lv:0
Leatherworker's Hat
Recipe Lv. 46-50
Culinarian's Mitts
Mythril-plated Caligae
Recipe Lv. 41-45
Boarskin Crakows
Recipe Lv. 31-35
Gryphonskin Choker
Boarskin Workboots
Boarskin Moccasins
Altered Boarskin Thighboots
Woolen Bliaud
Ranger's Tunic
Blacksmith's Workboots
Botanist's Workboots
Linen Bliaud
Recipe Lv. 36-40
Woolen Bracers
Alchemist's Thighboots
Boarskin Crakows of Gathering
Mythril Sollerets
Gryphonskin Kecks
Gryphonskin Tunic
Boarskin Smithy's Gloves
Mythril-plated Jackboots
Gryphonskin Moccasins
Boarskin Himantes
Peisteskin Crakows
Crabshell Hora
Skull Eyepatch
Boarskin Choker
Woolen Tunic
Peisteskin Crakows of Gathering
Altered Woolen Bracers
Botanist's Gloves